This Metasploit module exploits a vulnerability found in VisiWave's Site Survey Report application. When processing .VWR files, VisiWave.exe attempts to match a valid pointer based on the 'Type' property (valid ones include 'Properties', 'TitlePage', 'Details', 'Graph', 'Table', 'Text', 'Image'), but if a match isn't found, the function that's supposed to handle this routine ends up returning the input as a pointer, and later used in a CALL DWORD PTR [EDX+10] instruction. This allows attackers to overwrite it with any arbitrary value, and results code execution. This Metasploit module was built to bypass ASLR and DEP. NOTE: During installation, the application will register two file handle's, VWS and VWR and allows a victim user to 'double click' the malicious VWR file and execute code.
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